Grey Nails


A few days ago I bought a beautiful grey nail polish and I'm in love with it. It is from Risqué and the name is Arábia. It was a great buy since I'm a bit sick of red and black nails.
If you want something refreshing you should try this. It looks really perfect and the grey tone couldn't be better.

Anyway, this is a quite quick post since I need to go and study and do a lot of java excercices (I must say I'm not that happy about it). But first I'm going to watch a bit of The Big Bang Theory.

If you want to you can still enter my giveaway here!

Marisa Violeta


AC said...

Olá! Parabéns pelo blog! Gosto bastante de vir aqui ler os teus posts mas esta é a primeira vez que me decidi a comentar :)
Essa cor é linda! *.* Ultimamente também ando um bocado farta de ter as unhas pintadas de preto ou vermelho x) por isso vou definitivamente experimentar esse.

Unknown said...

Very cute!! (:

Mary Grein said...

LOVE the grey polish! Your blog is great, love your style!

minnja said...

stunning grey nails :))

yiqin; said...

Love the heart prints :)

Raquel said...

adorei a fotografia, está linda!
tenho um verniz parecido a esse.
