Style Icon: Zooey Deschanel


Do you know those girls that are so pretty it's annoying? Zooey Deschanel is one of those girls! She's an american actress, musician and style icon! You probably know her because of the film "500 Days of Summer" but she's a lot more than that. She is the singer of one of my favorite bands, She & Him, where she perfoms with the amazing M.Ward! Now she's starring in the series "New Girl".

What I like the most about Zooey's style is how girly and put together she always look. Her vintage inspired outfits and pretty dresses are a trademark and I just can't get sick of it.
Her hair looks always gorgeous and the soft and light makeup is the cherry on the top of the cake!





Have you ever listened to She and Him? If not this is the perfect opportunity! If you like folk, indie pop and pretty songs about love and life this is for you:

Marisa Violeta

(Don't forget to enter my and Piccole Cose's giveaway here!)


Oh, You Pretty Things said...

Partilho a mesma opinião, tem uma beleza única e simples ao mesmo tempo, adoro o estilo dela, adorei vê-la em 500 days of Summer, gosto muito de She & Him e admito que comecei a ver New Girl por causa dela :)


Salomé said...

A Zooey *-*
Gosto tanto dela parece sempre uma bonequinha e sempre que a vejo penso "Porque é que a minha franja não pode ser como a dela?", ela é simplesmente adorável e tem uma voz tão querida, podia era vir cá dar um concerto :3
Confesso que não gostei muito do pillot de New Girl mas agora estou a gostar imenso da Jess.


meeeh said...

Ainda não comecei a ver a série, mas hei-de começar um dia destes.
E concordo contigo, ela é lindíssima e tem um estilo tão adorável!

Love, pi*

Anonymous said...

i'm agree with you. she is a style icon. i love her style so much.. :) irene wibowo

Anonymous said...

Ahh! I agree! She is so pretty and it drives me crazy. I really like her though and she has such a unique singing voice. Another thing I like about her is that she has the body of a realistic woman. She's not stick thin.

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

Her style is adorable! I love "New Girl"! =)

Sharmaine Ruth said...

Oh gosh she is such a big idol of mine :D

<3 Sharmaine Ruth

Brighton Peach said...

I agree- she makes me want long dark hair and a fringe. Love her in 'A Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galexy' X

Anonymous said...

She has such a perfect sense of style and I'll definitely be checking out She & Him now x

herecomesthesun said...

I love her so much!

New Girl has been incredible so far huh, I love her sense of humour so much.

foodie said...

She's one of my favorites too, everything about her is just incredible, effortless. xx

Tereza {Drastic Plastic} said...

This is not possible hahaha, I made this weekend a post about her to post next week, she is incredible.

Daniela Gandra said...

Oh meu deus, como é que ainda não te seguia? O teu blogue é perfeito, adorei :)

Ana Catarina said...

Adoro-a! :) e adoro o estilo dela também! :)

Francisca Paulos said...

mas que moça tão adorável! adorei a selecção de fotos :)

Vanessa said...

estou sem dúvida de acordo contigo, ela é lindíssima e essa música é qualquer coisa :)
