May Update


I have a little bad new: My camera it's not reading my SD card and that means that I'm not gonna have outfit photos until I solve that problem and I hope it won't take long. So, sorry for the lame webcam photo but that's the best I can have right now.

Another thing is that years after the heidi braid trend I decided to try it myself and I liked it a lot. It's so easy and practical and since the hot weather decided to return it is perfect because it is fresh but still lovely. I've been watching a lot of tutorials on youtube. I want to find the perfect 60s makeup tutorial but I guess I need to search harder, all of them are too Edie Sedgwick and that's not exactly what I want.

Also, I created a tumblr for the blog. It is a fashion inspiration tumblr and if you want to check it and follow it enter here. The other one I own is a bit more personal and cinema related so this is better if you, blogger followers, want to follow me via tumblr. I also have another tumblr (Yes, I own three tumblrs. Geek's united). It is an art and design inspiration tumblr and you can find it here.

I guess that's all. Sorry for such a long talky talk. I swear I'll try to find a way to fix my camera as soon as possible!

Oh, another thing: I'm planning on doing another giveaway. If you're interested in sponsoring it send me an e-mail too

Marisa Violeta


itsmeadri said...

yesss :)
sorry for your camera :S

Vanessa, Take only Memories said...

Your glasses are so adorable!
That sucks about your camera! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

herecomesthesun said...

You suit the braids! I want to give this a go, might have a look on youtube for some help too.

Bárbara Ferreira said...

fotos de webcam são as melhores!

Salomé said...

Lamento pela tua máquina, é sempre chato problemas com a máquina fotográfica :/
Já fiz follow nos teus outros dois tumblr, fiquei completamente apaixonada pelo "loverofmine" vi as paginas todas e apetecia-me reblogar tudo *-*

Por favor nunca desistas dos blogs maravilhosos que tens :3

Tereza {Drastic Plastic} said...

The new hairstyle looks really cute. Good luck with your camera :).

Nádia said...

Espero que isso se arranje depressa! ;)

Oh, sabes de algum tutorial bom para aprender a fazer? é que eu sou uma nódoa -.-

Miss Kait said...

I have never been able to master the heidi braid. Love it so much though. You're so adorable!

Kallie, Happy Honey and Lark said...

You have the most perfect fringe. The kind I wish I could have! I'm excited to see your tumblr. Tumblr gets me through long boring hours of time to kill! Good luck with your camera :) I agree, Nivea can't be beat for lip goo!

Aquí said...

oh so sorry, I know how frustrating that is as a blogger! I'll still follow :)

Unknown said...

ah you have such a cute faceeee! so sorry to hear about your camera :(

<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons

islabell said...

oh no! thats such a bummer. sorry to hear that.
you look adorable with the heidi braid
x said...

sorry to hear about your camera! love your glasses though :) have a lovely day, sweetie!

love, M

Lucy, Dear Fish said...

I'm sorry to hear about your SD card! I hope you get that fixed soon! I love heidi braids but my hair isn't long enough right now, unfortunately!

Camille said...

i love the heidi braid! it's really good for summer days!
you still look great, even without your camera!

Andrea Reh said...

Can't wait to check out your tumblr.

Just discovered your blog. Would love it if you popped by mine sometime.

Andrea x

Vanesa said...

Dont worry, we will here....


Camille said...

querida, tem um selinho pra vc la no blog!

Ria said...

Aww I hope you get your camera fixed soon. That is definitely no bueno.

Liliana Ferreira said...

É bom ver outra portuguesa aqui pela blogosfera ainda por cima com um blog tão giro.
Vou seguir.

Oh, You Pretty Things said...

Adoro esse penteado :) qualquer dia tb experimento!

Views by Laura said...

sorry about the problem with your camera!!
you look beautiful with the braid!

Aquí said...

your hair looks so freakin cute like this!
