Good Vibrations


I guess I can finally say that summer really arrived! Yesterday was probably the hottest day of the year and I tought I was going to melt when I had to carry my suitcase from the bus stop to my house (well, I guess is time for me to take the car license I've been avoiding).
I wanted to wear something fresh and when I found this dress that I don't wear since 2008 or so I tought it was the perfect choice. I love to re-discover my closet and I totally had forgotten that this dress existed.

Also, what do you think of my yellow nails? It is really strange for me to have my nails in such colour but I was looking through my sister's huge nail polishes collection and I found this one and I just had to try it.





(Dress- Pull and Bear; Necklace- 2nd Hand; Shoes- Lefties; Satchel- Online Store)

Oh, by the way, look how beautiful Coimbra's downtown looks with all those decorations:


Marisa Violeta


fashionismyh2o said...

Super super pretty dress! I love the pattern and the colours - gorgeous :) it really suits you


Ana, Playground Love said...

Gosto do verniz amarelo, realmente a cor é muito bonita. E o teu vestido é tão giro. Deve ter sido perfeito para o calor que esteve ontem. Estava tanto calor, insuportável até.
E Coimbra fica tão bonita assim toda decorada.

Anonymous said...

You look very pretty in your dress and the decorations look great!


Unknown said...

Ameiiii por dxi mais todos os acessórios :D*

Biju dear

Unknown said...

Ameiiii por dxi mais todos os acessórios :D

Biju dear!

Unknown said...

i am in love wit hthe bow necklace! happy summer!

<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons

j. said...

i love all the outfit detailing

much love


Elanor said...

what a perfect dress for summer... and your purse is absolutely perfect! what a gem you are!

0hMiliGee said...

I absolutely LOVE your bag!

Frannie Pantz said...

What a great bag and necklace! Perfect for your blog! ;-)

Camille said...

esse vestido eh lindo! como vc pode ficar 3 anos sem usá-lo? heheh
linda sua bolsa tb! enquanto isso, aqui no brasil ta chegando um friozinho! hehehe

Aquí said...

you look fantastic! Love all the colors you're wearing! Glad to see you have a camera agin!

herecomesthesun said...

Such a great dress! Love your nails in yellow as well. I just got mine done in a bright blue which is a real departure for me but I'm loving it and now I want to try more bright colours, maybe I'll give yellow a go next.

Raquel said...

Realmente este calor só se aguenta com vestidinhos leves, é que nem acessórios quase consigo pôr, ou se ponho tiro-os passado pouco tempo!
O vestido fica-te bem e combina na perfeição com o colar (tenho um igual em vermelho btw!) e com a mala :)

E por falar em Coimbra! Se tiveres tempo no meio dos exames todos podíamos combinar um mini bloggers meet se quiseres claro :)

Lea said...

I love the simplicity and breeziness of this dress. So darling with the pretty little satchel too :D And your big bow necklace! Hehe. It's so large and adorable... :)

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Hannah said...

It looks like you live in the loveliest city. <3 Also, that dress look so comfy and perfect for summer :) It's nice to find things in your closet that still fit good and look good even after a couple of years :)

Madeline Quaint said...

Your dress is so beautiful - especially with the patterned coloumns in the background. :)
And the bag is just lovely!

Tereza {Drastic Plastic} said...

I'm a big fan of yellow nails, I have yellow polish for two months now, and it rocks.
And I love your necklace.

ronan said...

you look so cute, love your bag :) ronan x

Oh, You Pretty Things said...

Gosto do verniz, comprei um amarelo mas não acertei na cor, não gostei de ver :x

dear winsome said...

i love the yellow nails with the grey and your bangs and satchel are perfect!


Anonymous said...

Personally, I love yellow nails. They're a bold choice, but cute! And I am completely obsessed with your satchel. It's adorable.

Beige Renegade said...

Love this out fit, and that BAG!! Please tell me where you bought it!!?

Love your blog too! Ill be following!


I am loving the recent burst of sunshine! I love this outfit, the necklace is so cute! The yellow nail varnish looks gorgeous!

the girl never gets older said...

uhh, this satchel is just to die for! lucky you! I love your hairstyle, so girly :) adore your nails too, light yellow is cute, and shape of your nails is really pretty! ♥

My lovely clothes said...

O laço é super amoroso!
