May's Favorites

Since my camera is broken and I don't want the blog to die I've been planning a few different kind a of posts that can replace my outfit ones for a while. I'm going to have this new feature here where I'm going to show my favorite outfits for each month. I've been thinking on doing something like this for a while and I guess this is the perfect opportunity. I hope you like it!





(click the names for the source)

Marisa Violeta

May Update


I have a little bad new: My camera it's not reading my SD card and that means that I'm not gonna have outfit photos until I solve that problem and I hope it won't take long. So, sorry for the lame webcam photo but that's the best I can have right now.

Another thing is that years after the heidi braid trend I decided to try it myself and I liked it a lot. It's so easy and practical and since the hot weather decided to return it is perfect because it is fresh but still lovely. I've been watching a lot of tutorials on youtube. I want to find the perfect 60s makeup tutorial but I guess I need to search harder, all of them are too Edie Sedgwick and that's not exactly what I want.

Also, I created a tumblr for the blog. It is a fashion inspiration tumblr and if you want to check it and follow it enter here. The other one I own is a bit more personal and cinema related so this is better if you, blogger followers, want to follow me via tumblr. I also have another tumblr (Yes, I own three tumblrs. Geek's united). It is an art and design inspiration tumblr and you can find it here.

I guess that's all. Sorry for such a long talky talk. I swear I'll try to find a way to fix my camera as soon as possible!

Oh, another thing: I'm planning on doing another giveaway. If you're interested in sponsoring it send me an e-mail too

Marisa Violeta

Inspiring Music


I wanted to do a post like this for a while and finally here it is. Many of you may know that music is one of the things that inspire the most in many aspects. What I listen the most is post-punk and indie/dreamy pop but lately my style has been really influenced by music sang by lovely ladies with lovely voices. This are some of the bands that I like the most and that influence the way that I dress and think about life.


Walk In The Park - Beach House


Ridin' In My Car - She and Him


Camera Obscura - French Navy


The Sun Was High (So Was I) - Best Coast


A Violent Yet Flammable World - Au Revoir Simone

What about you? There's any music that inspire the way you put your clothes together?

Marisa Violeta

Hearts and Polka Dots


Yesterday the weather was the most craziest thing! Thunder, wind, rain and sun. When I left my home it started rainning so much that even using my huge umbrella my hair gained life. I just hate when that happens. My hair can't handle rain and humidity, it makes him think that he's a human being or something. So, that's the reason I had to think twice before I post this photos. My hair looks awful but, oh well, I just love my new Zara dress and I needed to show it to you.


I also decided to edit my photos a bit more this time. I always use a warmer filter and not much but since the photos came out horrible this time (I blame the weather once again) I wanted to make them a bit better. It's amazing the things you can do with photoshop. A year ago I was awful with photoshop, I didn't even know how to change the lightning but now that I'm studying Multimedia Design I had to learn it or my life would be a mess.


(Dress- Zara; Shoes- H&M; Tights- Pull and Bear; Cardigan- Zara; Bag- Zara)

Marisa Violeta

Meet the Blogger: Chloe Marie Antoinete

After having here Emma from Le Scrapbook de la Emma I decided it would be perfect to have one of my favorite portuguese fashion bloggers telling a few secrets about herself in this little space. That's why this is the time for you to meet Raquel from Chloe Marie Antoinete, a lovely portuguese blogger with the most lovely style ever.


1. Where are you from and what do you do for a living?

I'm from Lisbon and I work at H&M.

2. What inspires your personal style?

My inspiration comes from everything I can see!!! Magazines, fashion blogs, comics, movies, streets, music and so on.. :)


3. How would you describe your style in a few words?

I'm a girl who loves everything from the past. My style is vintage, with a modern and romantic touch.

4. What made you start blogging?

I've always followed international fashion blogs and I always wanted to have a blog but I didn't know where to begin. About one year ago I started "ChloeMarieAntoinete" just to try it and now I can tell you I'm totally addicted. Blogging became one of my favorite hobbies :) As soon as I publish a post, I'm already thinking what I'm going to do on the next one! My endless passion for fashion was undoubtedly my main motivation!


5. If you could, who would you like to be for a day?

I'd like to take a month off and be a different person everyday :)) I could start my month as Marie Antoinette and finish it on the skin of the beautiful Audrey Hepburn :)


6. Tell us a random fact about yourself.

I never leave the house underdressed... I always have to make some kind of effort with my clothes.

Thank so much Raquel, it was a pleasure to have you here sharing some little things about yourself and you lovely tastes!

Oh, and I haven't told you yet but I was a guest at Steffy's Pros and Cons. Check it here.

Marisa Violeta

IndieLisboa - Part 2


Today I went for the first time to a cupcakes store. I ate a vanilla cupcake and it was so delicious. I guess I need to get back there and buy a box full of this lovely sweet things but I'm sure I would eat it in a few hours. Sadly there's no stores like this in Coimbra but I want to try to do this at home. Ana from Playground Love sent me a recipe of cupcakes and I can't wait to try it.



Zé ate a chocolate one and he liked it very much. He's always saying that I'm such a typical girly girl because I like this things and I was all excited when I found this cute little store but this cupcake he ate made him understand my love for this kind of things a bit more, oh yeah.


Today was another lovely day here in Lisbon. I saw two great films: The Baron, an awesome goth 2D portuguese film and Neds, a film about the 70s in Glasgow, a bit agressive but with an amazing end, I left the cinema room with my mouth opened. Tomorrow, among other films, I'm going to watch one about John Lennon. It's going to be great.
Since I had such a busy day I decided to wear a comfy outfit. Nothing exciting, I know, but was the perfect choice to walk around Lisbon and to stay inside cinema rooms all day long.


(Dress - Mango; Shoes - Local Store; Necklace - Pull and Bear; Hat - Local Store; Tote Bag - IndieLisboa; Bag - Stradivarius)

Marisa Violeta

IndieLisboa - Part 1



So, has I said in the last post, here I am in Lisbon at Indie Lisboa, an independent film festival. I'm really enjoying this. It's a bit hotter here than in Coimbra but I can handle it, I guess.
Yesterday, I saw a few great films such as Above Us Only Sky, Memory Lane and my favorite one Simon Werner A Disparu (the soundtrack was made by Sonic Youth, yey).


One of the things I liked the most of being present in the festival as a film student, was that awesome tote bag that they offered me, ahah. I'm in love with it, maybe because it is my first tote bag ever, I don't know.

(Shoes - Blanco; Pants - Zara; Blouse - Vintage; Bag - Stradivarius; Tote Bag - IndieLisboa)

Now, I'm going to enjoy Lisbon a bit more and eat a Kebab at the downtown. Later I'll have a few more films to watch, I'm loving being present at a film festival.

Marisa Violeta

Common People


Queima das Fitas (click here!) week is arriving and I'm really excited. Friday I'm going to see Editors live and I'm going to have a week without classes. That's one of the best things about Queima das Fitas, I must admit. I'm not planning on going to every single day of it, in fact I'm thinking on going to Indie Lisboa, an independent cinema festival in Lisbon, a city that I really want to explore.

Anyway, there's a really exciting thing that I want to share with you! The lovely Lea from the blog Pretty Prudent asked me to be a guest blogger while she was out. You can see it here! Also, don't forget to check her adorable blog. She has an amazing taste and all of her ouftits are truly inspiring and full of little details that you'll just adore.



Today I decided to wear one of my favorite dresses. I bought it a few months ago. I already saw a few bloggers wearing it and I love the many different ways you can wear it. Everytime I discover a new blogger that owns this dress, she's wearing it in a completly different way.

(Dress- Zara; Bag- Stradivarius; Shoes- Vintage; Hat- Local Store; Necklace- Pull and Bear)

Marisa Violeta