Blogger's Dinner


January 21st was the day of the blogger's dinner at Porto. We got together at this really beautiful restaurant named Pimms. It was all white and the food was really really delicious!
It was a great choice indeed.
I had the pleasure to meet some of the nice girls that are behind some of the loveliest portuguese blogs. The only bad thing is that I forgot the memory card of my camera at home, yes, this is a true story! What kind of blogger am I?
Luckily not everybody is like me so I already had the chance to steal some of the dinner photos from some more responsible bloggers (sources at the end).

We also got some great gifts from The Body Shop and Zilian. A bit thank you for that! And a big thank for the girls behind Oh, You Pretty Things and Confessions Of A Shopaholic for organizing this.

My beloved friend Paulinha from the blog Mmh Artsy and me!

Paulinha, Joana from the blog I Am So Kitty and me.

Me and Paulinha again with Kika from Forget The Diamonds.

Image Sources:

Marisa Violeta



Looks like you had a lovely time, I always love posts about blogger meet-ups! Xx

catarina coelho said...

o jantar foi lindo, tenho pena de não termos falado :)
mas gostei de te ver !

Unknown said...

You look so cute in these photos. Looks like you had a lovely time :)

kiss me quick said...

parece ter sido muito divertido ^^ não conhecia o espaço! fiquei com vontade de ir la comer :P


Caroline Ergy Erg said...

Aww, i still want to go to a bloggers meetup! These photos are lovely, looks like it was fun :D

Papercuts said...

Ohh foi tão fixee :)
Adorei conhecer-te!

Di Costa said...

Estavam todas tao bonitas :D

Confessions of a Shopaholic said...

espero em breve estarmos todas juntas novamente, pena que n deu para falar com todas, a ideia é haver uma mesa redonda para a próxima! beijinhoooo*

Jaz xo said...

You are so pretty! xo

Oh, You Pretty Things said...

Fico super contente por teres gostado! (Apareço quase sempre de copo na mão nas fotos, que tristeza xD)
Beijinho grande, Melanie

Jaz xo said...

Oh god I've just noticed the shiny black bag with the gold studs on, is there any way you could tell me where it's from if you know please?
Thanks! xo

Unknown said...

estavam todas tão giras, o local tão perfeito <3 para o próximo tenho mesmo de ir!

No meu blog está a decorrer um sorteio, passa lá ;) beijinho

Misty Chaos said...

You look lovely in these photos ♥
& it looks like a wonderful time :]

- Misty

Ana Catarina said...

tão fofinhas! gostava de ter ido! para a próxima não falha! :)

Aida said...

Fotos tao giras!!!!

catarina coelho said...

a ideia da mesa redonda é o mais indicado :')
para a próxima socializamos todas :)

Unknown said...

Obrigada pela opinião!! =D

Deve ter sido muito divertido!! =D

Jessa said...

Oh how much fun! I am so jealous! There I like nada bloggers in my area... at least not any I can find... that are of the same genre. =( Beautiful photos!

Love & Lollies... Jessa

Oh, You Pretty Things said...

Foi um prazer conhecer-vos, ainda bem que gostaram! Que pena teres esquecido o cartão da máquina :$ mas se quiseres mais fotos não me importo de te enviar por email :)


Unknown said...

You have one of the nicest blogs. I have fallen in love with ALL your outfits! Am a new follower!

xx Carina

Carol Alberton said...

Quanta gente estilosa no mesmo lugar! Adorei o blog, e o seu estilo. Os looks que você posta são incríveis, parabéns =D

Tereza {Drastic Plastic} said...

This is so cool, I love it. We never have this here, I hate this fact.
Looks like you had an amazing time, I'm so happy for you.

Heather Jean said...

Look like so much fun! What a good looking bunch!

Allison said...

Ugh it here are so man bloggers I'd love to ave dinner with! Why haven't they invented teleportation yet?!

Nádia said...

oh, nem me apercebi deste jantar, adorava ter ido e assim conhecia-te! :)

da próxima tenho de estar mais atenta!

estavas muito gira! :D

My Fashion Insider

Vanessa said...

tão bonitinha que estavas :)

Franzi said...

amazing pictures!

Unknown said...

Só gente gira! Parece ter sido divertidíssima ;)
