I want you to meet the reason why I'm not posting that much lately (even tho I've told you I was going to change that). The reason is that I just moved to my new city to study. Have you ever heard of Coimbra? Well, you should because it's marvellous. I'm going to live here at least in the next three years to study Multimedia Design. This week I decided to take a little walk on the town, take a few pictures (sadly I didn't take any of my outfit, sorry) and get inspired. And guess what? That really worked. I took a special attencion to what was most of people wearing and I realized that boho look in the most used. Long skirts and hippie patterns. More than that I came to the conclusion that hells are not the major choice what it comes to shoes. Probably because of irregular floor and the fact that you need to climb a bit if you want to reach the University. I also saw a lot of people wearing collegial inspired clothes, wich I love. Not just girls but also boys. People in here prefer to wear comfy and adorable clothing more than fancy stuff. Very cute I must say. When I get the time I'll grab my camera and take pictures of people on the street, I'm sure you'll agree with me.

Yes, I'm not the best photographer I must say but you can definitly see why I'm not posting as much as I wanted. The city is itself an inspiration. It really makes me want to wear clothes from middle age, I guess. But on the other hand it makes me want to wear collegial inspired clothes because Coimbra is known as students city and you can really see that spirit when you walk across the library, languages school, medical school... Oh well. Thats it.
Marisa Violeta