Till There Was You


English: I don't wanna be those people who only talk about the weather but the truth is that this rain has been so annoying that you cannot avoid that. Not that I'm the biggest summer supporter, far from it, but wake up and lie down with rain is becoming a bit boring. I miss seeing the sun ray's enter through my window at dawn and I miss the things that should by typical of spring. Since I can't to anything to change that, I'm just going to believe that May will change the mood of Mr. Weather!
But leaving aside the time, I noticed that I use this skirt far too much and that you're probably seek of seeing me wearing it but it must be the piece that is on the first place of my top of basics (and I'm not really a fan of the so-called "basics"). It has the perfect shape, the perfect lenght and it is easy to combine with all the pieces of my wardrobe! Don't get bored if you see it a lot here but it is my salvation!

Português: Eu não quero ser daquelas pessoas que só sabem falar do tempo mas a verdade é que esta chuva anda tão chata que não dá para não falar disso. Não é que eu seja grande adepta do Verão, longe disso, mas acordar e deitar com chuva já anda a ser aborrecido. Tenho saudades de ver os raios de sol a entrar pela janela ao amanhecer e tenho saudades das coisas que deveriam ser típicas da Primavera. Como não dá para fazer nada para mudar isso vamos acreditar que a entrada de Maio altere o humor do senhor tempo!
Mas deixado o tempo de lado, tenho reparado que uso esta saia vezes sem conta e que vocês já devem estar fartinhos de olhar para ela mas ela deve ser aquela peça que realmente faz parte do meu primeiro lugar do top de básicos (e olhem que eu não sou fã nenhuma dos chamados "básicos"). Tem a forma perfeita, o comprimento perfeito e é fácil de conjugar com todas as peças do meu guarda-roupa! Não se aborreçam com ela se a virem muito por aqui mas é que ela é mesmo a minha salvação!

Shirt - Vintage; Skirt - Zara; Cardigan - Lefties; Shoes - Local Store; Bag - Vintage

Marisa Violeta


Elanor said...

no worries, i talk about the weather too. it's something that effects our moods and what we wear! of course it has to be mentioned somewhat. :)

in regards to what you're wearing - i love the detailing of the flower on your top! so pretty.

Joana Vilaça said...

Eu adoro a Primavera e o Verão! Já a ficar louquinha com este tempo!! Adorei o look, essa camisola é mesmo gira!! Cada vez mais gosto das tuas fotos *


Unknown said...

Ontem e hoje acordei com esses raios... ai tão bom :D

Linda essa saia <33


Catarina ♥ said...

Gostei muito do conjunto, a camisola é tão bonita :) *

Unknown said...

Aw you look so cute! Love the top and skirt. I too am not really a fan of 'basics' but I do have a favourite skirt like yours which just goes with so many outfits

xx Carina

Patricia Lopes said...

São baratos e bons, sim :)
Estás muito gira*

Nathalie Kartika Putri said...

love your vintage shirt and skirt! by the way, i'm following you now. mind following back?


Sylvia said...

Very cute outfit! You look darling :)

The Dragonfruit said...

Haha, I know, weather is a huge thing to bloggers though. We have to take pictures in it!
I love this sweater, its absolutely adorable <3

Trendy Teal

Collections said...

what a wonderful outfit. I absolutely love your sweater and shoes.


Unknown said...

Oh my i love this outfit! It is so perfect and cute) I`m especially loving the top.


bridget anne said...

that top is seriously off the hook. and you look fantastic in those specs of yours, lady!

Unknown said...

CIRCLE SKIRTS ARE THE BEST! I don't think of things I wear all the time as "basics," but more like "a thing I really love and want to wear all the time." Haha, you know? Your embroidered top is so lovely!

Anonymous said...

really cute outfit!!! i just love anything with black tights!

Dilan Dilir said...

love the photos and the outfit and ofcouse ; I had to follow you! :)

Mary-Grace said...

what a lovely look dear,love it

diana said...

que querida! eu amo o teu estilo, que linda :)

Joana Chaves said...

Eu adoro esta saia. Gosto do facto de que tem algumas pregas e é um pouco rodada.

O tempo já irrita um bocado, realmente!

xo Joana

Cátia said...

tão linda :)


Anonymous said...

Este tempo é terrível mesmo! Nunca sei o que vestir! :(

Estou a fazer um giveaway, se quiseres participar! Merci*

Femke. said...

Super cute outfit, love the sweater!!


Lovable Maria said...

ow *-* És tão bonita*

Sootjeelina said...

The skirt's great! It looks great with the top

xoxo Sootjeelina <3

Ana Rita Patinha said...

Essa camisola é mesmo gira.. adoro todo o conjunto :)
Tens de me explicar como funciona essa acreditação de estudante para o Indie... também sou estudante de audiovisual e nunca tinha ouvido falar... este ano estou a fazer voluntariado no Indie e mesmo assim ainda estou a espera da acreditação :S

beijinhoss **

Marta Pinto de Miranda said...

acho que ainda não tinha vindo parar ao teu blog...e adorei a tua veia artística que reflectes nos outfits, na tua imagem, e no teu blog. a seguir-te! :)

(aproveito para te convidar a participar nos passatempos de correr no meu blog*)

um beijinho

Spaceworm said...

é verdade, uma pessoa já nem sabe o que vestir... adoro os teus sapatinhos!

Marli Neves said...

Realmente adoravél o teu look! Quem me dera ter a coragem de usar saia tão frequentemente como tu :)

Vendedeira Urbana 2nd hand shop (https://www.facebook.com/vendedeiraurbana) said...

Floral shirt <3
Infelizmente e como a Primavera tarda a dar um ar da sua graça, é inevitável acabarmos por falar no tempo que se tem feito sentir, beijinhos***

JANICE G said...

no worries, definitely know what you mean!

thanks for visiting my blog and left me a comment! :)

the STYLE Fringe BLOG

R. said...

A saia é super gira e muito versátil :)
Este tempo já chateia efectivamente, cada vez sei menos o que vestir com este tempo -.-


Joana Clara said...

Ai Marinha, estás tão fofinha!
Morri de amores por essa camisola. É tão linda.
Um enorme beijinho*

Rachel, Cold Knees said...

I love love love this outfit <3 your top is so pretty! The rain has been getting me down too, it just won't stop =( xx

Sophie said...

I adore this look- the shirt is so cute!

I'm one of your new followers, would be great to follow each other!



Cátia Gonçalves said...

Estas mesmo gira!!!

Unknown said...

Love it, you look so cute, the print on your sweater is so cute :)


isa said...

lovely outfit ! :)

Vanessa said...

Tão bonita que estás!!!

Laura Jones said...

love your shirt, so cute! and i tend to use the same black skirt all the time, too, and talk about the weather.. :) x

- ME - Fashion Blog said...

wow you look so lovely!!! wanna follow each other?

Unknown said...

I love how innocent but stunning you look here, lovely outfit and lovely location! I especially like the floral detail, is it embroidered?!


the girl never gets older said...

oh my goodness, how beautiful this blouse is! I love love love how you styled it all black with a white backpack ♥♥♥

Tati_Strange said...

Lovely outfit! ^^

Have a nice week! :D

Unknown said...

your top is adorable and i love the ballet flats!

Steffys Pros and Cons

teresweetstyle said...

great great dress honey, i love this skirt!

Paulina said...

So pretty outfit :)

Vera said...

Gostei do look, para mim talvez seja "muito escuro" mas adorei o desenho das flores na camisola dá-lhe logo outro toque =)
Também já ando cansada deste tempo, mas eu sou uma apaixonada pelo Verão =)


The weather here in England is ridiculous too! You look gorgeous as always, very cute outfit! xx

Giuliana said...

Também não sou grande adepta do verão mas a chuva realmente é irritante..
Adorei muito seu look, o top com o detalhe de flores é realmente muito bonito.
Ah, estou seguindo seu blog.. obrigada por comentar no meu :) Adoraria se você me seguisse de volta :)


catarina coelho said...

tu és tão, mas tão fofinha :)

Pretty in Pink said...

A saia é tão lindaaa :) Fica-te mesmo bem ;)


Anonymous said...

tb gostei da saia, fica te bem! e da camisola!

=) feitoaminhamedida.blogspot.com

Jessica said...

love the shirt!


london loves said...

The jumper is adorable! Lovely look!

Danny said...

eu gosto da saia, por isso não farto :)
god, essa camisola é linda demais, que achado!

prettymeggy said...

love the details of your top!!! and you're so cute with these pictures!!!

xoxo, Haus of Gala

Frannie Pantz said...

Marissa, this top is so pretty and I love your black mini skirt! Such a pretty combo! I hope that you get your sunshine soon!

Yola Thorp said...

Cute outfit.


Fuchsia and Viscaria said...

a thing that i hate about rain is it makes everything wet! the exception is when the water is on the plants, it looks really beautiful.
by the way, if you want to be Spark contributor, it would be so lovely! maybe you can write about music.
Spark previous issue, The Journey, http://issuu.com/spark_zine/docs/spark_issue__3
please email Spark at sparkzine@rocketmail.com.


Lucie said...

Amazing carding! Love it!)

You have a great taste of style :))
Kisses from Belarus)

Antonella C’est Moi said...

You're so glamour..cool outfit!!

aniamaria said...

so awesome outfit!
the shirt is so cool!!

thank U so much :* :)

Lola said...

I adore your outfit! It's really amazing ♥

Life's a shoe said...

cute outfit and skirt!

Unknown said...

If that skirt was in my closet i would wear it all the time too, it's adorable :)
Brooke @ what2wear, Monikabrooke.blogspot.com

The Dainty Dolls House said...

You look wonderful!! I am waiting for the sun too..tired of cold or rain. It will be here soon :) xx

Antonella C’est Moi said...

so glamour, love you vintage bag,so cute!!


Tereza {Drastic Plastic} said...

Yes, I love colored look, but my favorite ones are the black ones :).

Thank you so much for your sweet and kind words for my B-day, it meant so much to me :)!

Loomaable said...

I love your hair! :D

Yuki Lusiana Eka said...

you are so lovely and so pretty <3
major love!

Ana B. said...

Realmente que porcaria de tempo! Adoro a tua saia :)

Aida said...

Tao bonitaaa!!!!


Fim de Tarde said...

Mudamos de endereço para fimdetarde.com
Aguardamos sua visita...


letiziabarcelona said...

that jumper is SOO cute!
following you on blogloving!


Victoria said...

So adorable! I love your skirt :)

- Victoria

Unknown said...

A saia é bem giro,
o tempo onde vivo anda meio forrado mas não chove e ainda bem xD,


Dee {Strings and Buttons} said...

I do that all the time as well! The weather has such a sway over me! Cute floral embroidery by the way! x

Nerea Alhajas said...

Love the skirt :) <3

Courtney Erin said...

Such a cute skirt - it really does have a great shape to it!

Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com

Miss Aggie Kwong said...

such a cute outfit!!! i love how the whole look matches your red hair.


Find me on:
Miss Kwong - Art and Fashion

Midwest Muse said...

This skirt is beautiful and I love the detailing on your top. Plus, best HAIR award goes to you! Ah, I feel you on the rain, it's been raining off and on for a week now. GEtting pretty boring.

zubguzbebrsb said...

Hey, I love your look!
I start my blog so if you could throw a look that would be great thank you very much and maybe me follow, your photos are very beautiful!

- marii said...

linda! a tua saia é super gira :)

Anonymous said...

I'm one of those weather people :O
Loving this outfit, the skirt is such a staple as you rightly say ! Gorgeous floral, florals always look so beautiful again black (:

The Braided Bandit said...

I always find myself talking about the weather on my blog too! I try to avoid it, but sometimes it really is just such a big influence on how I am feeling!

I am in love with your vintage floral top, what an amazing find! And as for the skirt, I think it is the perfect piece for mixing! I don't think people will notice you wearing it a lot because it really is so versatile and blends into something different each time you wear it! Hope you are having a terrific Monday!
xo Hannah

Mia said...

Tão gira! Adoro a combinaçao


Jaz xo said...

I adore your jumper! xo

Liliana Santos said...

Adorava ter estas sandálias em preto, são tão giras!

Oooh, tão baratinho! :o


Annie L said...

Sweet look, and love the bag
xo Annie

louise copa said...

este tempo já irrita! uma pessoa até fica deprimida -.-
essa camisola é tão "portuguesa"... acho-a mesmo gira! lembro-me de a minha mãe ter algumas desse género :D


Anonymous said...

que fofa . adoro ***

Unknown said...

Conheci agora o teu blog e devo dizer-te que gostei imenso! Tens um estilo super próprio, único e super adorável :)

Gostei muito do teu outfit e das fotos, estão muito giras! Já estou a seguir! Beijinho*

-telmasofia said...

Tão fofaa* Essa saia é tão giraa :D
xoxo, Chance to change


Dani said...

gosto muito das fotos,
sigo o blog :)

Anonymous said...

Estás tão querida e gira, adoro :) xx

Catarina said...

adorei o outfit =D muito fofinha!
tambem odeio este tempo =X quero sol para puder usar as roupas de primavera

Nobre Sandra said...

A saia fica-te muito bem ;) Realmente este tempo já satura...já chega. Gosto muito da cor do teu cabelo!


Unknown said...

that floral print is just darling!


little henry lee said...

i don't really like relying on "basics" either but you can't help but have a few! sometimes you need a plain black skirt to compliment a cute embroidered jumper like the one you're wearing. :)

Maria said...

Aww, you are so cute! I love this outfit, it's so quirky and your top is so pretty :)
xx Maria

fashion doctor said...

so pretty girl,darling! love your blouse,absolutely beautiful! follow you! xoooo Stella

C* said...

Também tenho peças assim, que uso imeeeeenso :)

Sofia Rocha said...

A saia é um amor :)

Eatlovemerry said...

I love your top!!

sahar said...

Really love all the black and the touch of color in this outfit! It looks beautiful on you :)

Shawna Hynes said...

I find most fashion bloggers (myself included) talk about the weather a ridiculous amount, though mainly because it really affects the outfits we wear & therefore our blog content! As for this outfit of yours, I am absolutely loving the floral print on your top; it adds such a perfect pop of colour :)

<3 Shawna
Serpentine Streets

Anonymous said...

gosto do outfit e da cor do teu cabelo (;
o tempo influência o nosso estado de espirito mas esta chuva é bem precisa
pois estavamos em seca o que não é nada bom... a chuva é sagrada.

Ayya Z. said...

Oh, this outfit is just lovely.
You look so adorable.
Love your top, the embroidery is pretty.
Definitely a classic vintage!

Lau Figueiredo said...

Toda a gente tem aquela peça a que recorre imensas vezes, umas vezes porque não sabe o que vestir outras porque apetece mesmo... :)
Gosto imenso do outfit e da saia. E quanto ao tempo, está horrivel e não dá mesmo para não falar sobre isso. Já estou farta do tempo chuvoso e frio e de ter que voltar sempre para a roupa de Inverno.


Andrea said...

such a cute outfit :))

Borjana said...

WOW!Can't take my eyes off of you,honey!;)

avthenas said...

Thank you. Your outfit is amazing :)


Lolitek said...

May is going to be much better - it has to be, right? Such a great outft! Love your shirt :)

Need some help finding a perfect swimsuit - if you have any ideas visit my blog and share please :)

Miss Iffa said...

You are such an eloquent writer
I recently stumbled across your blog and I LOVE it! I love the layout to the content and everything in between! Your style is just impeccable and your blog is simply the epitome of perfection! I am your newest, most avid follower, I look forward to reading your future posts. I would love it if you could perhaps follow me back too?


Liliana Pinto said...

camisola tão gira :D gostei

Hattitude said...

Hattitude Style Blog

i don't even notice the skirt when you pair it with such an AWESOMe shirt!!!

talk soon wild child
Hattitude Style Blog

Telmíssima said...

Que guapa! Pareces uma bonequinha!!!~

kiss, kiss


June said...

Very cute outfit! Is your post title inspired from the Rachell Star track till there was you? I loved that song
I Want It All
My Pinterest

Paulette Goddard said...

CAMISA LINDA E BOLSA LINDA! As nossas compras são sempre incríveis minha xuxu <333

Bonnie said...

Such a precious outfit. I like how it is girly and fun while being all black. Most people think that black is a cop-out, but I disagree. It can be just as fun and cute as any colorful outfit.

Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Anonymous said...

Que linda ... adorei! :)

Ms. Falcon said...

totally in love with this top. so cute.

thanks for your lovely comment... :)


Jamie Rose said...

I really love the pretty floral print on your top! I don't blame you for wearing that skirt a lot either. It's a great basic piece!

Anonymous said...

Love the floral embroidery!!
